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We cross-check billions of data points and dozens of data sources for you.
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Use Behind.Name to find relatives, friends, roommates, new acquaintances, dates, business partners, and more.
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Access criminal records, arrest records, sex offender data, and more! We give you easy access to our nationwide criminal records database anytime, from anywhere.
Search for detailed and up-to-date information on any property. See who lives at or owns almost any address in the U.S.
Use Behind.Name to uncover the individual court case information such as deeds, judgments, marriage license and much more.
Who is Behind.Name™?
The story of how we became the leader in online public records

Behind.Name™ is a leading Data-as-a-Service ("DaaS") provider for consumers and businesses seeking detailed insights on people, places and things in the United States. We partner with the largest owners of public records data in the U.S., our data includes information on virtually every adult in the U.S., and has unique access to other unique data sources.

We offer a premier online DaaS provider founded in 1988, that helps consumers quickly search billions of records spanning the last 40 years, and delivers more comprehensive and accurate results than competitor services.

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See what people like you are saying about Behind.Name
Behind.Name, you were a life saver for me! I met a woman on a dating site. She had an attractive profile, cool photos, nice voice….. but … I felt she was evasive. I asked this service to help me find out the truth. Actually, I was right and you helped me make sure that she was a scammer! So be attentive when using dating platforms!
I strongly recommend this platform for people searching for ex-boy/girlfriends. Thanks to their background report I found my first love. I made sure that she wasn’t married and asked her to dinner! If it wasn’t for this website, I would have never met her again!
I have never used such services before. Actually, I didn’t believe them, I thought that no one can know about my friends or relatives more than me. But, I was mistaken! My friend wanted to cheat me and if not for this website, I would have never known that! I must confess, it is much better to make a background check and be notified about all the troubles that may happen to you.
Great service! Fast assistance! Truthful reports! I will strongly recommend this service to my friends!
I’m a single parent, dating online. So I frequently use this service to make sure that my online partners won’t cause damage to my family. Thanks to their reports, I found lots of interesting facts about my online friends. I think it’s a great tool for such persons as I am.
Guys, you are awesome. Thanks to your background report, I finally found my biological parents. I thought they were dead… but they are alive! You can’t even imagine how happy I am and all this, thanks to you!
This website helped me find out that the man I loved was cheating on me with my best friend. It was the horrible truth for me...but the unadulterated truth is much better than a sugar-coated lie.
This service helped me find the address of my old school friend. I didn’t see him for 20 years! Finally, I can meet him and it’s great! We have plenty to talk about!
Honestly, I’ve used Behind.Name on a number of occasions and found that it is the best one. They always provide me with complete background reports and their services are affordable! Thanks a lot for saving my personal time!
The reason I asked Behind.Name for help was to find out more about the past of my uncle. He was adopted by her grandparents. I used this service because I wanted to find out more why she was taken from her birth parents. The team of Behind.Name complied with my demands. They did a great job! Thank you so much!
I think this platform is a powerful tool for any user who wants to find out more about the past. I used their services once and I remained completely satisfied with the result. You are really cool!
Great service, accurate and fast. I’m an HR manager and my goal is to find experts for the team of our company. This work is really hard because you never know what to expect from people. Sometimes, I have no spare time to study the profiles of candidates on social media or other websites. That’s why I ask Behind.Name for help. Their reports help me find out whether I deal with a good specialist or a person with criminal activity.
They provide very informative background reports!
Thanks to this site, I connected with 2 long lost friends. I had tried everything before but nothing worked. I couldn’t find them. When I got in touch with their support team, they promised to help me and fulfilled their promise!
The service is very easy to use. I got in touch with their support team to clarify my billing and inform them of the information I needed. In a few days, they provided me with a detailed background check about the past life of my ex. Great job!
Very little information was available about the company I wanted to sign a contract with. I had doubts about them. I wasn’t sure whether they had a good business reputation but I didn’t want to lose my money. That’s why I asked Behind.Name for help. I believed that this service could help me. In a few days, they sent a background check, which dispelled my doubts. All in all, it’s a great service to use when you want to find out the truth about this or that person!
I found this service accidentally when I was browsing the web. First, I didn’t believe that one can find out something about a person remotely. I just closed the website. But when my boss hired a new employee who was going to work in my department, I remembered about the service once again. Honestly, I didn’t trust him...he behaved bizarrely and was always late for work… Behind.Name helped me find out more about this person and prevented our company from a former criminal.
I highly recommend Behind.Name as a credible way to learn more about your friends, partners or colleagues. They can make a report on anyone, including yourself. The service is completely safe and very easy to use.
When I noticed a strange behavior of my friend, I realized - anything is wrong. He wasn’t honest with me, avoided hanging around together and much more. I couldn’t understand what happened! This website helped me find out enough information about him and his new partner, who was a drug-addicted girl. Thank God, I found this information before it was too late!
Great job guys! You are really cool! You helped me find my father. I was looking for him for years!
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Behind.Name is one of the best background check and public records search engines you can use online. Our members turn to our website every day to learn the facts about the people in their lives. Join them so you can discover truths, expose lies, and get the real story about the people in your life. Become a Behind.Name member today, and find the truth about anyone